Science leadership and support
IOCI is a major research programme. In addition to the results generated by each project against its own milestones, IOCI will be expected to deliver a holistic and integrated understanding of climate change and variability to State partners and stakeholders. This will require:
- Effective coordination of the programme across the research providers and with the State.
- Regular presentations to staff from State agencies and to public audiences.
- Synthesis of emerging messages into a policy-ready form that is useful for government and industry.
Given the magnitude of the climate-related issues facing the State, there is also a need to build its climate research capability.
The aims of the science coordination and communications program are:
- To have well-informed State partners and stakeholders who support the Initiative and have a good understanding of the relevance of research results and their implications.
- To provide a 'one-stop shop' that enhances the State's accessibility to the current state of climate knowledge so that informed policy decisions can be made.
- To develop communications strategies and protocols in collaboration with the State that lead to an appropriate and effective release of research findings to the media.
- In collaboration with IOCI's Adaptation Fund, to develop partnerships with State agencies and other stakeholders to enable them to use research output from IOCI 3 in their assessments of the potential consequences of climate change.
- To pursue opportunities to build a climate research capacity in Western Australia that is focused on priority issues for the State.