Indian Ocean Climate Initiative - Western Australia

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Home Research Program Theme 1: Baselines and predictability of WA climate and attribution of climate change

Theme 1 - Project 1.2

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Project 1.2: South West Western Australia’s Regional Surface Climate and Weather Systems (Pandora Hope and Catherine Ganter)

Planned outcomes:

  • Analyse rainfall totals and intensities in the south west during the summer and transition seasons, and determine whether there are any trends. An update of the analysis of the winter season will be included also.
  • Detail the different weather systems (identified by a new classification scheme) for all seasons.
  • Report on how the frequency of these systems have changed in time.

For the network of stations across the wider south west region that have high-quality rainfall data, the full time-series of ten year averages for each month is displayed. This method of display clearly highlights the rainfall decrease in winter months in the southwest in the 1970s and again in the most recent decade. Click on each plot to see a high resolution version.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 25 October 2011 11:23

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