Indian Ocean Climate Initiative - Western Australia

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Home Research Program
Research program

Stage 3 of the Indian Ocean Climate Initiative (IOCI) is committed to establishing and maintaining state-of-the-art and regionally-specific knowledge of past and projected future climate trends in the State of Western Australia, and making such knowledge available in a form helpful for appropriate sectoral decision-making and for public information processes.

IOCI will continue to pursue strategic research to better understand the drivers of the weather and climate of south west and north west WA. One component of IOCI's research aims to identify a 'fingerprint' of global warming relevant to WA and thus confirm if observed changes are primarily caused by such warming and might continue into the future.

This factsheet provides further information on how the IOCI Stage 3 will add to the current available knowledge of climate science in south west and north west WA.

The IOCI Stage 3 research program is divided into four themes.

# Article Title
1 Theme 1
2 Theme 2
3 Theme 3
4 Theme 4

Contact us

C/- Department of Environment Regulation
Perth, Western Australia 64675000
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